Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Last Saturday i planned a bit of a surprise as an early Birthday present. Our friends Scott and Kara joined us in heading to Red Deer where we all surprised Kyle by going to an Offroading Expo, where they had various vendors, but also, and the real reason for going, was a rock crawl contest.
It was super awesome to see these drivers try to maneuver their vehicles over the various obstacles, made of dirt, cement blocks, rocks, etc. and I couldn't help but think it would be so fun to ride in one (not sure I would be very good at driving : S ). Then Kyle kindly reminded me how 'well' I handled him driving his side of his jeep up on a hill until I felt like I could reach out my side and touch the ground while I was visiting in Georgia ( I'm pretty sure I freaked, so on one hand he was right, but I did love riding in that jeep). The best one, was watching driving trying to go over the "Toyo Wall of Terror".

After that we were able to watch some FMX bikers jump 30feet up, 30feet across doing insane tricks...

Later, we headed over to a place where they had a bunch of different 4wheelers for people to actually get to drive through a little course they had all set up outside which was SOO much fun! We got to make our way over tires, wooden crates, little hills, a ramp etc. It was awesome.

Then, before heading back to Three Hills, we had to make a stop at DQ for blizzards which was the perfect end to a great day spent with friends.(FYI: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is SO much better then Oreo)

Since living in the Prairies you must come up with random things to do in order to have some fun, expect many more exciting random adventures to come, recorded by a girl with her one foot just stepping out into the world on her own, and liking what she sees so far! xoxo.


Kay said...

HOW FUN! While checking all of my blog updates you win the prize for this. I'm sure there will be many more adventures to follow (all wrapped in different packages)! Thanks for sharing.

PS. I vote on the cookie dough blizzard too!

Kyle said...

That was such a stinkin awesome day! I totallt didnt expect that and it was unlike anything i have ever seen or been to. Thank you so much it was so much fun. By the way i vote for oreo so i guess the official count, of people who arent the author of the blog is oreo = 1, cookie dough = 1.

smitty89 said...

I'd have a hard time making a decision if smartie was an option, but it's not so my vote is definately cookie dough. Sorry Kyle, glad you had an awesome time tho