Saturday, December 1, 2007

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Another month has passed, and finally it’s “beginning to look a lot like Christmas” out here in the prairies!! Snow has begun to fall, covering the frozen ground with a nice blanket. Christmas lights have been hung throughout the town, on houses, stores, and even on the famous Three Hills water tower! I have especially appreciated the times where I can go walking through the town at night, looking at all the houses that have been decorated for Christmas. This is definitely my favourite time of year! With only a few weeks left of classes before I head home for Christmas break, school life has become extremely hectic, but also really exciting. So much is happening here on campus! Many classes are coming to a close, and with that comes immense masses of homework. Most of us have found ourselves locked in our dorms, slaving away over our computers, trying to get through papers, assignments and readings as quickly as possible, while waking up early each morning to attend classes and chapel.

One class we are currently taking is New Testament. Within this a main topic, and our final paper, is based around the question “Who is Jesus?” At first glance, this question appears rather straight forward, but has proved itself complex and challenging thus far. For many students, including myself, these classes are at times extremely trying of our faith, or at least what we have believed to be true throughout our lives. Instead of simply agreeing and going along with everything we have been taught up until this point in our lives, we are constantly being forced to think critically, viewing many different possibilities and theories about the New Testament. Many days I return to my room emotionally exhausted because of the intense level of conversation, theological debate, and questions that are left circulating in my mind. All in all, however, these have proven to be extremely valuable and in turn have increased by faith by far.

I am becoming extremely excited for next semester, and the adventures that are sure to occur among our travels through Guatemala and El Salvador. Plans are heavily underway now, as final loose ends are being tied up. I hope you are all enjoying the snow… I’m looking forward to receiving more here soon!
God Bless, you remain in my prayers!

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