Saturday, December 1, 2007

Snow, Snow, Snow

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ~Norman Vincent Peale

I am absolutely loving this snow!! In the midst of school and other obligations, many of us have found the time to enjoy the captivating beauty of winter. On one of the first days we received a "substantial" amount of snow here, Kyle and I spent some time out playing in it, as well as taking pictures. Although cold, we had a lot of fun and were able to catch a beautiful prairie sunset (which currently has begun setting as early as 4pm... so weird!)

Today, a few friends (Kara and Julie) and I drove into Calgary to watch some Prairie friends participate in the 'Santa Shuffle' 5km race. We didn't end up leaving as early as we had planned, and completely missed the race...but were able to meet up with them later. We then took a side trip out to the Calgary Olympic Park and saw the 'Cool Runnings" bobsled track. Then we introduced Kyle to his first Tim Horton's experience!! All in all it was a really fun day. It was nice to get off the campus here, and the small town of Three Hills. As nice as it is here, the trip to Calgary was a much needed break! Only 10 days left until I head home for Christmas!

1 comment:

Kyle said...

This place is freezing! No wait...its way below freezin. That was a awesome day after playing in some good snow and drinking Tim Hortons candy cane hot chocolate with Timbits. Could life get any better? I submit it cannot. Thanks for a great Canadian experience, it was a ton of fun and Im glad it was with you.