Today I stepped onto the floor for the first time! Im sure you all read that and said, "what the heck is she talking about?! She's been walking on floors for 19 years!" Well allow me to clarify. 'Stepping onto the floor' is simply what it is called when you start your shift at the Hospital. That's right! This morning at 0645h I started my first day of practicum working at the Three Hills Hospital! In the days preceding I was super nervous. I was worried I would forget everything I had learned so far, or not feel comfortable... so many things were just circulating in my head. But this morning when I started everything just fell into place, and I can safely say that i absolutely loved every minute of it. The people, the surroundings, smells, noises, everything just fit me in a strange way I cannot describe other then to say that I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be.
We started out the morning getting to know where everything was located or kept, then started reading through the clients care plans, etc. to get a better understanding of each of their diagnosis's, and how to better care for each individuals specific needs. Then it was time for breakfast. Since we are starting out in Long-term care we were able to sit at the tables in the dinning rooms with the patients, assist them with feeding, and take the time to start getting to know them.
Right now we are just at the hospital 1-2 days a week for 8 hour shifts, but in a few weeks we will be working there 5 days a week, and having 4 of our own patients which is really exciting... but for now I am okay doing a bit more shadowing just to get more comfortable with how everything is run.
Thanks for all your prayers and support thus far on my Career-Adventure! God is definitely blessing me with amazing teachers, and a wonderful group of girls studying right along side me!